Enfo pilots new diversity and inclusion management tool
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Enfo has been given the opportunity to be involved in the evaluation and implementation of a new diversity and inclusion self-assessment tool launched today on October 13. It aims to help businesses and organizations identify different aspects and practices of diversity and inclusion work, and see which areas are the most important and should be developed further. Also, it gives guidance on suggested next steps together with tips for implementation as well as supporting reference material.
The diversity and inclusion management tool has been developed by the corporate responsibility network FIBS and consultancy agency Includia Leadership as a part of the All in For Equality project funded by the European Union. In Finland, the project is coordinated by the Ministry of Justice.
The assessment is built on about 40 diversity work measures related to four key themes: “Commitment”, “Diversity and inclusion work processes”, “Employees”, as well as “Customers, users and other collaboration partners”. The measures vary from the composition of the management team to recruitment and language awareness.
The implementation and utilization of the tool is in line with Enfo’s diversity and inclusion plan which is a central part of the new strategy Capturing growth for 2022-2024.
“I appreciate that we had this opportunity to both be involved in the pilot phase as well as implementing the diversity and inclusion management tool within Enfo. It is a comprehensive I&D development toolbox and is also valuable as a platform for employee awareness and dialog. We are committed to being an inclusive workplace where everyone feels they belong. The input we have gained from the I&D tool will give a good base for our continuous work to nurture inclusion and equal opportunities for all Enfonians,” says Henna Ylitalo, EVP People and Culture at Enfo.
The tool is available in Finnish, Swedish and English at monimuotoisuusarviointi.fi.