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Returning to Enfo - new normal

Returning to Enfo – coming back is the new normal

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At some point of our career, any of us may feel the urge to spread our wings and try something new. When this happens, we at Enfo make sure our employees know that they are always welcome back.

After years at Enfo, Senior Consultant Petrus Lehtimäki, Senior Specialist Jaana Monto and Technical Lead Devices and Windows Insider MVP Mattias Fors decided to explore other opportunities. Eventually, each of them returned to Enfo. What drew them back?

For Mattias, it was Enfo’s great knowledge in the field of modern workplace services combined with a long history of delivering successful projects and value to our customers. In Jaana’s case, it was the people that mattered – she missed her teammates at Enfo and didn’t find quite the same atmosphere elsewhere.

And then there was the good buzz going on at Enfo, says Petrus. The change in our company provided him the opportunity to work around public cloud services – something he had been yearning to do. All without compromising a good work-life balance.

Professional and personal growth

A new job in a different company is a huge learning experience. A new perspective to the company culture was both personally and professionally very interesting, Jaana says. Mattias was fascinated by the opportunity to see how one of the largest companies in our field work on the inside. ‘Meeting all the knowledgeable people put “knowledge” in a totally different context. I definitely had the chance to dive deeply into some features and products.”

The change of perspective also affects how you see the customer, Petrus points out.  ‘I managed to grow more customer-centric and started to think more and more from customer perspective. I became more outcome- and benefit-oriented and more demanding in terms of value proposition and customer experience.’

Mattias and Jaana share this feeling: wider experience regarding various customers makes it easier to understand Enfo’s own customers and helps them to choose the right solutions for achieving their business goals. ‘I have been very positively surprised by how we are working in a real partnership with our customers – not a traditional seller-customer relationship,’ Mattias says.

Whilst the benefits to Enfo and our customers are quite clear, let’s not forget the opportunity for personal growth. ‘I also got more familiar with my own natural strengths and started to concentrate on those. My existing skills, such as visualisation, storytelling and making complex entities simpler and understandable developed positively,’ Petrus says.

A long-awaited homecoming

Starting at a new company is exciting but, according to our returnees, coming back to Enfo does not fall short of that. It’s like a long-awaited homecoming to a company full of positive energy, with great co-workers welcoming you back, and happy to see you again.

‘What I enjoy the most is the ability and permission to concentrate on my strengths and to focus on areas I am passionate about,’ Petrus states. ‘I'm not saying that work should always be just nice and cool, but I definitely think that we’re the most productive in areas we feel natural enthusiasm and passion for.’
